- Oct 21, 2019
- 75
So I'm running out of weed. I'm pretty addicted. I'm waiting on money to come in so I have a couple days before I run out. I may not have the money to get any more so I'm trying to turn not having weed into a positive. I'm no where near ctb rn but have been in the past and will probably be again in the future. I'm schizoaffective so my suicidal self always appears after a fun filled, mania fueled battle with psychosis. I'm here on ss to find my method. I feel comfortable saying I'd rather ctb than grow old with schizoeffective disorder. Just my OWN feelings. My episodes are very intense. Each one gets stronger and lasts longer, up to 6 months I've stayed in the wards. Anyways, if I don't have weed I could totally use this time to know I did everything in my power to clear my head and see if a difference occurs... 10 years of weed smoking and I've never been out. I'm interested to see what happens in terms of personality shifts.
Thanks for reading! I'll update my progress here.
Thanks for reading! I'll update my progress here.