@Imaginos vegans are the worst of them. They think nature is all rainbows and unicorn farts. They'll harass people about respecting animal welfare but then worship the very thing that harms animals more than all of humanity combined. It's nauseating.
Indeed. Both them and nature worshipers in general make me shake my head so hard it goes flying off into orbit. There's a blog I periodically read called "Pray for Calamity", which is centered mostly around pointing out the already heavy decay present in modern civilization ranging from just about every measurement you can name (infrastructure, energy production, resource acquisition, agriculture, economics, social, political etc.) We're a species in decline and the damage we've wrought upon the biosphere could very well be irreparable. Personally, I don't see our species lasting past the end of this century, Ocean acidification & the death of almost all marine life, runaway climate chaos, exponential population growth that has already rendered most of this planet a desert, global dimming, catastrophic methane clathrate release from shallow sea beds as a result of rising temps, 4-6 degrees Celsius of warming or more that's already baked into the cake causing very fast, massive ecological changes on the level of the Permian-Triassic extinction event (the worst known extinction event in Earth's history which wiped out an estimated 97% of all life). Combine all this with the human element and something like a nuclear exchange becomes inevitable, if not a guarantee. Even a "small" one between Pakistan & India (highly likely given how much they hate each other) would be lights out for global civilization. Combine this once again with the world's 450 currently active nuclear power plants and we're talking permanent ecocide. Absent industrial civilization, the combined radiation from those plants melting down would be more than sufficient to completely destroy our atmosphere. With no atmosphere, the oceans will boil away into space and the Earth will be left defenseless against the lethal cosmic radiation coming from the Sun. Our once verdant little blue, green ball will become a brown lifeless rock. Short of humanity discovering technology rivaling that of an alien civilization, this planet will most assuredly be dead within the next one hundred years. For someone like me this is wonderful news, as it should be for anyone who can look honestly at the history of this planetary horror show. The twisted game has had its run and now it's all going to go back into the box. Exactly where it should have stayed in the first place.
I guess I got a little sidetracked there, but anyway. This guy and his blog. I like reading it and the dude's a great writer, but christ all fucking mighty the way he sucks nature's dick
constantly in each post he makes, just sickens me. To be so clueless as to think that all our problems as humans would be solved if we just went back to the way things "used to be" and became a nice bunch of Luddite primitivists forever and ever. "Come on everybody let's go rejoin that endless cycle of pain, barbarism & early horrible death that humans have already weathered for almost 200,000 years now! Yeah sure, there's all the back breaking labor & boredom involved in just trying to survive every day, but think of all the pretty trees & flowers! Wouldn't that all be just swell!" And given what this guy already knows, I don't know if he's just an insane sado-masochist or just a desperate fool clinging to whatever it is he thinks he can hold on to. Probably both, I guess. It really sucks that Karl's blog "Say No To Life" got shutdown. Fucking loved that place.
Now am I saying that modern life is all hunky dory? Noooooooo. Far from it. The costs & consequences of this way of life are enormous. Every time you turn on even a simple light switch, a forest was razed to make it happen. A mountain had its top obliterated. Another brown person was vaporized by a drone. I mean, just take the turtle eggs on the beach example I mentioned previously. Humans have created an entire industry out of replicating that exact same process except a million times worse. Here we have the unforgivable crime of factory farming. Tens of millions of animals are kept and stacked on top of each other in slots & paddocks all over the world knee deep in their own shit just so we can harvest their flesh that we oh so fancifully fry, when we don't even need it in the first place. From the moment they're born to the sweet moment when they die, they're in a literal hell. That's not even hyperbole, just try watching the documentary Earthlings (assuming it is you can). Overall, our current capitalist society is maintained via intimidation, direct violence & mass death. Just like all the twisted empires before us but, just like them, ours is failing too. The bottom line is, life sucks and it's stupid. Vegan or meat eater, primitivist or futurist, nature lover or city lover. It doesn't matter. If you can't see that life itself is the problem, then you're a moron.