Absurdity is reality.
- Feb 28, 2023
- 1,265
It is impossible to understand how some people get by. Some people are complete shells, devoid of any human characteristics or creativity. These people could not think more highly of themselves, and could not think more lowly of other people. For them, their mind doesn't have a concept of "cognitive dissonance", and they are very happy to hold extremely contradicting beliefs. Their mind doesn't store information to be correct, since facts are only useful as far as they can be weaponised. As such, they have no problem living with ideas like "everyone is happy" at the same time as "it's right to hurt others for personal gain", since the first idea exists to justify the next. But even if they hurt others, as they believe is right, it is never their fault because fault is a tool to use against others and not oneself. It is impossible to convince them of any wrongdoing, because they do not consider themselves moral agents capable of being guilty. They are too busy thinking down on others, and they will criticise every little thing about other people. What's often shocking is that these people don't have to hide themselves or pretend to have souls, since most people accept this as normal. They only want one thing: their way. Even if it involves destroying others, it is simply business expenses to them. It is despairingly miserable, both for these people, their victims, and a society that always looks the other way.