Imagine how Ukraine feels you saying this. All those innocent dead people, because of a piece of shit wanted power. And you're sitting there stating you WISH a war would break out?
There is literally wars going on right now, but not in the country you're in. Move to a different country perhaps?
People have lost loved ones. Kids without parents. Parents without kids, husbands. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Let me get this straight.. you'd prefer a war broke out to you killing yourself? You'd rather a load of people died, just so you could kill yourself? Right. It is possible to kill yourself, but you'd rather that.. involve others? Get a grip for crying out loud.
Some of my family members have been in wars in other countries, and some of their friends had body parts blown off from stepping on mines, so now they only have a torso left. Some killed themselves because of the horrific things they have seen. Some didn't make it and died out there. They didn't go to war wanting this, they were doing their job, following orders to protect civilians like YOU. If they weren't physically injured, they ended up with severe PTSD and are now completely fucked. For life.
And you.. wish for that on others? When you're mentioning a war, you're literally involving others. It's like those sick fucks that purposely kill themselves in front of people (on purpose I said), but this is... there is no comparison.
I would really suggest you re read your post. This is pretty infuriating tbh. Actually, no, disgusting.
Honestly, I don't care if I get hate. You should be hating on the OP, not me.
Wishing a war because you want to kill yourself? Why involve so many people for ONE death? What the fuck is the world coming to with all these fucked posts? Some people really ought to get a GRIP