Because you know in a moment, it could all..POW!
- Dec 11, 2023
- 179
I KNEW it I knew it'd be bad today I could feel it in my everything pins and needles in my hands and nose and I could tell it in the texts and my charm fell off my spiritual tokens I keep I fucking KNEW it how is it delusions if it's FUCKING true and I can't tell patterns my ass I can see that shit so good and I can see I suck abysmal dogshit
Mirrors are so evil how horrible of an invention they are the day that humanity could see its own imperfections and feel bad for something it couldn't control is the day that things started to be the beginning of the end
It's so STUPID that I thought I was EVER capable of helping people and I HATE HATE HATE myself with everything in my soul but that pUsHeS pEoPlE aWaY but maybe if I wasn't the worst fucking person in the wrong FUCKING TIMELINE there wouldn't be a reason to hate myself
God I'm so scared how the fuck am I supposed to wake up tomorrow living in this bullshit I don't want the night to end because then it has to be tomorrow but it's already tomorrow why can't I just sleep and NOT FUCKING WAKE UP
mama mama mama mama MAMA MAMA MAMA maMA mama mama where'd she go? Was she ever real?
Why did I have to be real
I wanna go home, I promise I'll be good this time
Mirrors are so evil how horrible of an invention they are the day that humanity could see its own imperfections and feel bad for something it couldn't control is the day that things started to be the beginning of the end
It's so STUPID that I thought I was EVER capable of helping people and I HATE HATE HATE myself with everything in my soul but that pUsHeS pEoPlE aWaY but maybe if I wasn't the worst fucking person in the wrong FUCKING TIMELINE there wouldn't be a reason to hate myself
God I'm so scared how the fuck am I supposed to wake up tomorrow living in this bullshit I don't want the night to end because then it has to be tomorrow but it's already tomorrow why can't I just sleep and NOT FUCKING WAKE UP
mama mama mama mama MAMA MAMA MAMA maMA mama mama where'd she go? Was she ever real?
Why did I have to be real
I wanna go home, I promise I'll be good this time