There's a few people clamouring to make some kind of public political movement in the wake of the article and l really do think this needs to be dampened a tad.
There are many layers to this site in my experience. Much of the content is "driven" by the most dominant voices, which is the case for most online forums. Therefore the most visible layer at present is that of the most regular posters, who are often from a similar demographic and a lot of content and output produced is not going to be of interest to every single suicidal person. For many, this site acts as a social media hub - l do not say this as criticism as again, this is the norm for an online forum.
Beneath that layer exist those who contribute less frequently, who dip in an out of topics according to their interests, they are probably not interested in games or anyone's sex life, they may interact in a more discerning way and many do not like to exchange opinions or debate publicly. They often come for the method, and hang around a bit thereafter - they are probably far less interested in being part of a political / PR movement than the very vocal content drivers in the first tranch. This quieter layer is bigger than most would assume, however this site exists for them too.
Then there are those on the brink of despair who come here for what is this site's main attraction - the contact details of an N supplier. Many of these people will join, ask their questions, get their delivery, and disappear, never to be seen again. Many will be very ill yet unable to meet the euthanasia criteria, and for them this website is absolutely vital, and it exists as much for them as it does for anyone who has racked up 7000 posts. It's fair to assume these people, at the brink of despair, aren't interested in being involved in a political scrap either, nor are those who are sick and in pain particularly interested in sticking it to the prolifers.
If this tiny exclusive corner of the Internet which has provided necessary comfort for all those described above is to continue to provide that comfort it is absolutely necessary imo to reign in any compulsion on the part of some of its members to place themselves front and centre in a perceived ideological battle which they mistakenly believe will be a turning point in history for the politics of suicide. Nobody will get their peaceful pill this way, and any further embarrassing media scrutiny for this website would do more harm than good not only for this website, but for many of the people who we don't necessarily see but who absolutely rely on it.