- Aug 18, 2024
- 1,392
Alessandro Argentini took his own life after being scammed out of one hundred thousand euros in a cryptocurrency fraud, and that alone would be enough to close the matter with the usual cliché phrases, the classic "what a tragedy," the customary "something must be done," which inevitably translates into nothing. The reality is that this death has a clear culprit: an absent state, inert, incapable of protecting its citizens, allowing scams like this to flourish unchecked, letting criminals drain bank accounts, destroy lives, and drive people into total despair without anyone lifting a finger. It's a script that repeats itself over and over: first, the promises of easy money, then the crash, the despair, the suicide. And every time, people pretend to be surprised. The worst part is that politicians even pretend to care, as if anyone could actually believe that they have the slightest interest in human lives. They fill their speeches with talk of suicide prevention, grand plans for psychological support, mental health initiatives, when in reality, no one cares. Not in the slightest. Numbers only matter when they can be used as a political tool, when there's electoral gain to be made. But if it's just ordinary people, victims of a rotten system that doesn't even bother to provide real protective measures, the world moves on. A brief article in the newspapers, a few token phrases of condolence, and then back to business as usual. This is not just indifference; it is complicity. Because a scam like the one that destroyed Alessandro Argentini was not an unforeseeable disaster. It was the result of a failed system, non-existent regulation, and institutional negligence that condemns anyone who falls into these traps to complete isolation. And then, when the inevitable happens, everyone puts on their best solemn face, calls for urgent reforms, and makes empty promises about what will be done in the future, while the present remains a wasteland of inaction. This is the only truth: a world where those who need help don't even bother to ask for it because they already know they won't get it. Meanwhile, those who should be protecting people are busy elsewhere, focused on what brings votes, on fleeting media sensations, on issues that can be shelved once the public moves on. The rhetoric of prevention is the biggest scam of all. A state that allows these frauds to spread unchecked, that offers no support to those whose lives have been ruined, that lets people die without lifting a finger cannot claim to be fighting suicide—it is the primary cause of it. If Alessandro Argentini had found real help, if the state had been present, if there had been genuine attention to those caught in these financial traps, he would still be alive today. But none of that existed. Only the same, endless void.

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