I'm so sorry you're going through this. The other commenters said it well. I was in res treatment too a few years back, I know firsthand that it can also be really retraumatizing and just create new issues to compound the ones you started out with. Especially for someone with more of an offbeat & dark sense of humor, being constantly picked apart and reprimanded by the staff for "misbehaving" (ie, a lot of the time, just being a fucking human) can suck the life out of you. It's incredibly stressful for anyone to be in an envirnoment where they're being heavily monitored and lacking full autonomy, let alone someone who's already having a rough time because of their mental health. That thing about the medical issues you have being chalked up to "behavioral issues you're working on" sounds super bizzare and dehumanizing too. Like, whoops, sorry, let me DBT my way out of being unable to breathe while I sleep real quick. Super sound logic, treatment team.
Do you still remember the person you were before, back when you felt more connected to your sense of self? Is there any way for you to try to hang onto that, to be yourself with whatever free will you do have where you are, maybe connect to some things that you normally like to do/ that make you feel like yourself? If you're just looking to vent feel free to ignore this– I'm not looking to give you unwanted advice (especially given your member title lol)– but something tells me the person you were & are is still in there. Feeling trapped/ retraumitized/ being in a really stressful situation like this can make you feel and act like you aren't yourself anymore, and that's super real and super painful, espeically since you've been there for two months. But if you've been a fighter for your whole life, I'll bet your psyche is strong enough to keep hanging on, even if your true self is buried right now or if you're questioning things because of treatment. This not to tell you to "look on the bright side"– just saying it as someone who reverted back to a feral middle schooler version of themself more than I'd like to admit back when I was in res treatment.
I hope you're able to get out soon. Let me know if you need someone to talk to