Nobody likes you when you're 23
- Apr 19, 2024
- 95
I don't ask this to judge anybody. I grew up in an impoverished area where everyone did drugs like meth and heroine because there was nothing else to do, so I'm totally comfortable with anything. I'm just curious what vices are common in us mentally-ill folk. To name mine: I'm bipolar and a few years ago, my ex inadvertently got me addicted to weed, and ever since then I take edibles almost every night. I feel like it helps me because usually I have so many thoughts, monologues, and dialogues going on in my head at the same time, most of them negative, and I can't really focus on any of it. When I'm high, most of those voices are silenced and I can actually feel somewhat at peace. I also drink occasionally if I'm around others who are drinking, but it's not preferred for me because it's expensive, tastes nasty, and can make depressive episodes a hundred times worse.