Read, housework, go for a walk, do my exercise routine (exercise bike and body weight exercises), decorate my place (now I've moved into temporary housing so I can't, but will when I get my new place), paint my nails, do a face pack, have a bath (when I had a bath available).
There's plenty you can do. I know there are times when you can't get out of bed, but you really do have to force yourself to do something every single day, a little something, even if it's for 10 mins and go back to bed, and increase the time each day. It really does help. Or you'll get stuck in a rut and you'll be kicking yourself for not doing it sooner.
Yes, depression can do this to you, but it so important not to get into that vicious cycle, because all it does it feed it - I am aware of how hard it is -but if you feed it before you know it, you will never get back out of bed, and you'll be laying in bed 24/7 just feeling sorry for yourself all the time. Which is NOT helpful for your mental health, despite what your mind may tell you.
It's important to have days where you rest and do absolutely nothing, I do this once a week on a Sunday, and sometimes extra if I'm feeling really rubbish, but no longer than two days. Even if I feel so shite, I force myself out.
Have a wash every day, it'll make you feel better by splashing your face with cold water.
Once again, I do understand how hard it is to not lay around all day, but it's so important to force yourself out of it. Bit by bit. It's about baby steps
All the best