I'm not entirely sure where to post this, but here goes.
I've been depressed since early childhood, so I have absolutely no idea what it's like not to be depressed. I don't have a before - it's always been like this. And I really don't know who I would be if I wasn't depressed anymore.
So what I'm asking is this:
- Those of you who do have a before; what was it like not being depressed and how has depression changed you as a person?
- Those of you who have an after - who have recovered, at least at some point; what was it like coming out of depression? Had depression changed you?
- To those who are like me, in having no before, but who have recovered, at least at some point; what was that like? How did it change you as a person, and how did you feel about your new you?
well let's see.
<first point>
I've been depressed my entire life. it just got worse with every year, no matter what I have done.
I'm 31. when I look at 25 years old I can say "man... I was better at the time"
20 years old? little better
15? a bit more
and then... before 13 it starts to get complicated. I do remember that this started at 6 years old. for no reason at all. there's no trauma, no bad experiences... nothing. brain just works bad.
but the thing is... depression at 6 years old was small... but it was there. just... didn't see it at the time. but I remember having trouble concentrating, but for me.. I thought it was normal! Then fatigue appeared at 13 years old... and so and so.
But I cannot tell you... ah I wasn't depressed at 6 years old! the depression was there just, very small.
But anyways... what the hell is depression? we don't know... it's just a bunch of symptoms that have no solution.
I tried taking them apart, fixing them on their own... not possible.
<second point>
I don't know how it feels to NOT feel depressed... but I know how it feels to be relief from SOME symptoms and say "hey... life isn't that bad", so it's an improvement in depression.
only 3 experiences with a temporary improvement in depression. we are going to use symptoms as a measure
1) with psilocybin. microdosing. lasted 2 weeks. couldn't keep at it because at the time I developed severe insomnia (shrooms didn't cause that) so for some reason... days with poor sleep = shroom didn't work. so weird. and at that point the insomnia was driving me crazy...
shrooms gave me 10% improvement.
+ BIG boost in anti procrastinating behaviour. I did a project I was delaying for years. in 2 weeks I did more than in 5 years.
+ mood slightly better
+ more appreciative of life (slight)
+ some things stopped bothering me
and that's it.
2) lexapro
gave me... 2 months relief of 15% and 1 month relief of 30%... but this thing also ruined the little remnants of life I had. PSSD (full blown, not just sexual)
+ more open to talk to girls, to people
+ could concentrate better
+ felt relaxed
+ better pain tolerance
+ better mood
+ didn't feel overwhelmed by life
+ felt some joy, not a lot... but better
+ some imporvement in motivation, small. but started spontaneously taking photos (never did that)
+ enjoyed things bit more
+ felt less weak... I could handle life more!
3) anomaly
... several weeks ago... one day I woke up... and for no reason at all felt like a sudden improvement of 10%... from nowhere. maybe more. it only lasted 6hs. don't know how this happened, never managed to reproduce it.
+ better mood
+ more joy, life felt nice
+ all my senses were totally amplified, I noticed things more
so how do you define depression? for me it's a bunch of symptoms that at first thought they were... different problems you know? but once you find they cannot be fixed... doesn't matter what you do... then it becomes obvious there's something behind.
my symptoms
+ never had relationships with women, extreme difficulty
+ no interest in making friends
+ have trouble working, concentrating
+ can't relax
+ low pain tolerance
+ irritable
+ always tired. tired is a small word. the type of fatigue that robs all of your energy. so you are only able to do very few things per day
+ non refreshing sleep (I used to thrive on 6hs before a surgery, long story. now I need 8hs)
+ never went to college, didn't do any courses, or hobbies, nothing. took some classes but always dropped out
+ bad mood. mostly tired. not sad. just... tired. bleh
+ feel overwhelmed by small things
+ no joy in life. life has no meaning (life actually has inherent meaning)
+ no motivation to do stuff (I tried the FORCE YOURSELF, it was my motto my entire life. it doesn't work. you can force yourself, but if you don't feel pleasure... why doing them?)
+ being emotionally, psychologically weak. physically too
+ insomnia
+ weird symptoms like feeling a fog in my head/eyes/forehead. always sighing