- Jul 29, 2021
- 4,852
lets talk about the design of the world, I can understand how there is a general design to life, as in the way living beings live, herbivores, carnivores, ecosystems, heaven above and earth below as the elements that make up the world, earth, water, fire, wood, air, space...
my point is there is a underlying design to the world but there is also not much of a design in terms of what occurs and how the world moves or atleast its not apparent to us, world is basically just "created" and let go to be itself.
everything is extremely random, let alone evolution but life itself is random, you cannot choose what parents you are born with, you cannot choose what person you become or the circumstances you live in, no one in the world can know wheter the life of someone will be easy or difficult, you can be here today and dead in a car crash tomorrow, its very unpredictable.
like it is very hard to know how things will go or to predict them, you can feel the happiest today before feeling full of sorrow tomorrow, you can have been feeling healthy for years before unexpectedly falling sick for a long period of time...
of course, I do not disagree that there is an underlying system of things, a fish knows how to swim instinctively, a buffalo knows how to walk, eat, reproduce, we know when we are hungry or what we need, I know how to use my fingers to type this instinctively although yes it could be debated wheter I am really in control or not and wheter free will is there or not or wheter its all predetermined or not. its very mysterious what existence is.
my underlying problem with the world is its impermenance, I tried to accept that and I can talk about it but it feels there is a human side to things that make one feel attached to things and this attachment inevitably leads to suffering.
we can talk about how suffering is an aspect of life but it still hits hard, in the middle of suffering, no matter how you rationalise it, it doesn't work, there are ways to cope but it seems there is an inherent way human beings are.
thats why I have always questioned specifically why such a design?
lets just rule out mental suffering but even physical suffering, lets just get out of human society for a second, lets go to nature.
in nature, you can never guarentee shelter nor food, you can be eaten at any moment, let alone the amount of starving animals and those just dying because of natural disasters like drought..
animals are forced to eat each other to survive, they have miserable lives, one injury is enough to seal their fates, their whole existence is chasing to eat to not starve and reproduce, a herbivore has to always be in the lookout before being devoured yet even the being who devoured it, lets say the mountain lion, even it was starving and needed food to survive and even as it survives it has to constantly kill to be granted a continued life and not to die of starvation.
at some point you gotta question, what's the point of it all?
just don't have a world, why create an impermanent world that's so full of suffering and especially create emotional beings within it?
we can all talk about how humans could withstand all these hardships of life but I cannot help but its misery pure and simply, there will always be pain and suffering.
my point is this, all Beings are Pure and innocent, from the murderer to the robber to the killer to the saint to the most good to most pure evil, from the most human to the most inhumane, from animals to human beings, all Pure
even the most notorious serial killer was just a child one day and even if he had a mental problem that mental problem itself is a problem in the design of how he was made not of his own fault.
to me, it is the very Design of the world that I see is inherently evil, of course there is no line demarcating good from evil, they can be in each other and there is no law defining them but still...
we are pretty much slaves to our programming
we often times want to be good, even suffer from our own evil but that side nonetheless cannot be denied, we also often don't have much of a choice.
Should I go blame a country for invading another? but ressources are limited and they are necessary to maintain one's nation.
Should I blame humanity for polluting the earth? but pollution was necessary to rise up from the misery of life and whole economies and people depend on pollution to survive.
Should one go blame the mass genociders? but whats the difference between them and a tornado decimating a city, yes they are human and? there is no difference between genocide and a tsunami, its the same manifestation of the world at different scales
of course these terms are very vague themselves but again, lets just take human beings..
is there even a single person who wants to hurt others just for the sake of it? Not really in a sane human being, most people would choose peace if possible but point is ressources are limited, things move and change constantly.
there always has to be a reason for these "bad" things and this reason right here is the very design of the world.
there is no difference between you killing a nest of hornets and a tornedo ravaging a city, its just the same phenomena on a very different scale.
but even if you didn't kill the hornets nest, these type of things are the very rule of the world. they are bound to happen no matter what you do.
you eat animals to survive and when you will die, other organisms will feed on you as well.
there is no problem with that but I find human beings were somehow of a mistake of the world, although animals suffer they do not have the cognition to have deeper experiences, to know more, to attach to people, to love, to experience, to desire more...
But Yes of course, there is also goodness in it, there is love, there is beauty in the world and these things are worth it
but I find that pain, suffering, impermanence completely spoils this beauty and goodness, not enough for me to completely nihilistic but enough for me to despise the way of things.
in front of such a world, all you can do is be still and let go of things.
to flow like water uncaring of whatever the fuck happens, not because its most efficient, you think all a person cares about is efficiency?
there are too many elements at play to try and grab an outcome, no one can grab gain or loss, you can save loads of money yet still end up homeless, you can do everything in your power yet still fail, anyone who ever succeeded was lucky because they first had the circumstances of being able to bring such a thing into existence as well as survivor bias.
but of course one must try anyway since one has no choice but one shouldn't be attached to outcome atleast for me, do it what you can in the present and leave the rest for fate
Human life with such thoughts makes the best way to live is to just let oneself be moved by the elements of the world and the winds of causation till the the body dies and one is back to freedom
although I do find that hardships can be good as they strengthen oneself and forge onself into a stronger more resilient as well as more wise version but I still find that it is at the expense of the person's perpetual suffering
I mean lets just take work, money, problems, sickness, unfairness, people and the elements that come into play into one's life, life is not easy! not at all, for no one and if you fight it, you will just make it harder but you will still have to fight anyway.
I do think that that's where the buddhist and hindu concept of non-attachment and renunciation of life came from.
water moves through holes, fills them up and moves on, like this I think man should move through predicaments, solve them and move through them without too much mental suffering or care, basically to be uncaring, to move through life unfettered and move on without unecessary conflict that just makes it even harder.
my point is there is a underlying design to the world but there is also not much of a design in terms of what occurs and how the world moves or atleast its not apparent to us, world is basically just "created" and let go to be itself.
everything is extremely random, let alone evolution but life itself is random, you cannot choose what parents you are born with, you cannot choose what person you become or the circumstances you live in, no one in the world can know wheter the life of someone will be easy or difficult, you can be here today and dead in a car crash tomorrow, its very unpredictable.
like it is very hard to know how things will go or to predict them, you can feel the happiest today before feeling full of sorrow tomorrow, you can have been feeling healthy for years before unexpectedly falling sick for a long period of time...
of course, I do not disagree that there is an underlying system of things, a fish knows how to swim instinctively, a buffalo knows how to walk, eat, reproduce, we know when we are hungry or what we need, I know how to use my fingers to type this instinctively although yes it could be debated wheter I am really in control or not and wheter free will is there or not or wheter its all predetermined or not. its very mysterious what existence is.
my underlying problem with the world is its impermenance, I tried to accept that and I can talk about it but it feels there is a human side to things that make one feel attached to things and this attachment inevitably leads to suffering.
we can talk about how suffering is an aspect of life but it still hits hard, in the middle of suffering, no matter how you rationalise it, it doesn't work, there are ways to cope but it seems there is an inherent way human beings are.
thats why I have always questioned specifically why such a design?
lets just rule out mental suffering but even physical suffering, lets just get out of human society for a second, lets go to nature.
in nature, you can never guarentee shelter nor food, you can be eaten at any moment, let alone the amount of starving animals and those just dying because of natural disasters like drought..
animals are forced to eat each other to survive, they have miserable lives, one injury is enough to seal their fates, their whole existence is chasing to eat to not starve and reproduce, a herbivore has to always be in the lookout before being devoured yet even the being who devoured it, lets say the mountain lion, even it was starving and needed food to survive and even as it survives it has to constantly kill to be granted a continued life and not to die of starvation.
at some point you gotta question, what's the point of it all?
just don't have a world, why create an impermanent world that's so full of suffering and especially create emotional beings within it?
we can all talk about how humans could withstand all these hardships of life but I cannot help but its misery pure and simply, there will always be pain and suffering.
my point is this, all Beings are Pure and innocent, from the murderer to the robber to the killer to the saint to the most good to most pure evil, from the most human to the most inhumane, from animals to human beings, all Pure
even the most notorious serial killer was just a child one day and even if he had a mental problem that mental problem itself is a problem in the design of how he was made not of his own fault.
to me, it is the very Design of the world that I see is inherently evil, of course there is no line demarcating good from evil, they can be in each other and there is no law defining them but still...
we are pretty much slaves to our programming
we often times want to be good, even suffer from our own evil but that side nonetheless cannot be denied, we also often don't have much of a choice.
Should I go blame a country for invading another? but ressources are limited and they are necessary to maintain one's nation.
Should I blame humanity for polluting the earth? but pollution was necessary to rise up from the misery of life and whole economies and people depend on pollution to survive.
Should one go blame the mass genociders? but whats the difference between them and a tornado decimating a city, yes they are human and? there is no difference between genocide and a tsunami, its the same manifestation of the world at different scales
of course these terms are very vague themselves but again, lets just take human beings..
is there even a single person who wants to hurt others just for the sake of it? Not really in a sane human being, most people would choose peace if possible but point is ressources are limited, things move and change constantly.
there always has to be a reason for these "bad" things and this reason right here is the very design of the world.
there is no difference between you killing a nest of hornets and a tornedo ravaging a city, its just the same phenomena on a very different scale.
but even if you didn't kill the hornets nest, these type of things are the very rule of the world. they are bound to happen no matter what you do.
you eat animals to survive and when you will die, other organisms will feed on you as well.
there is no problem with that but I find human beings were somehow of a mistake of the world, although animals suffer they do not have the cognition to have deeper experiences, to know more, to attach to people, to love, to experience, to desire more...
But Yes of course, there is also goodness in it, there is love, there is beauty in the world and these things are worth it
but I find that pain, suffering, impermanence completely spoils this beauty and goodness, not enough for me to completely nihilistic but enough for me to despise the way of things.
in front of such a world, all you can do is be still and let go of things.
to flow like water uncaring of whatever the fuck happens, not because its most efficient, you think all a person cares about is efficiency?
there are too many elements at play to try and grab an outcome, no one can grab gain or loss, you can save loads of money yet still end up homeless, you can do everything in your power yet still fail, anyone who ever succeeded was lucky because they first had the circumstances of being able to bring such a thing into existence as well as survivor bias.
but of course one must try anyway since one has no choice but one shouldn't be attached to outcome atleast for me, do it what you can in the present and leave the rest for fate
Human life with such thoughts makes the best way to live is to just let oneself be moved by the elements of the world and the winds of causation till the the body dies and one is back to freedom
although I do find that hardships can be good as they strengthen oneself and forge onself into a stronger more resilient as well as more wise version but I still find that it is at the expense of the person's perpetual suffering
I mean lets just take work, money, problems, sickness, unfairness, people and the elements that come into play into one's life, life is not easy! not at all, for no one and if you fight it, you will just make it harder but you will still have to fight anyway.
I do think that that's where the buddhist and hindu concept of non-attachment and renunciation of life came from.
water moves through holes, fills them up and moves on, like this I think man should move through predicaments, solve them and move through them without too much mental suffering or care, basically to be uncaring, to move through life unfettered and move on without unecessary conflict that just makes it even harder.