𝔄 𝔲 𝔱 𝔦 𝔰 𝔪
- May 21, 2021
- 1,357
2 teen boys kill themselves over sextortion and blackmailing.
I was just wondering if this kind of thing drive a healthy human to suicide? Or do you think he had shaky emotional foundations to begin with?
It's a bit hard for me to imagine because I've never been in this situation. I don't know what I'd do if I was. But this feels to me like these boys were "predisposed" and emotionally fragile to begin with.
I wonder in general if isolated incidents push people over the edge? Or is it more like something that builds up progressively? I know that I'm not suicidal over one thing only, but over a combination of things.
also, asking this to more open minded members , is it okay for the family and friends of the victim to feel blameless in this situation? Shouldn't society at large question itself when a teen feels so deeply threatened by the idea of his D being out there that he kills himself? Doesn't it say a lot about how society treats victims? In this teens mind, he was the guilty one and everyone was going to punish him. In reality, he is a victim and the blackmailer should be the one shamed. But we live in the kind of world where people would talk shit about the victim and lose respect for him and humiliate him over the D pic (even if on the surface they act polite and compassionate).
I think something is seriously wrong with society and I find it terrifying and disturbing that this aspect of the problem is never brought up by anyone when a tragedy like this happens.
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