wow, i have a lot of people to disappoint :o
- Aug 10, 2024
- 242
i just wanted to say that i'm really glad this forum uses the XenForo backend rather than one of its competitors.
i quite literally grew up using xenforo web forums & was the number one poster on quite a few of them for a while. it was a way for me to escape reality, i spent several hours a day just talking on them. i even ran my own for a few months with a friend, that's actually how i got my initial exposure to programming, and is what sent me onto my current career path!
it's really comforting that this place, the place helping me escape life for good, uses the same software that i used to escape temporarily from life when i was younger.
i'm so glad to have found this community.
i quite literally grew up using xenforo web forums & was the number one poster on quite a few of them for a while. it was a way for me to escape reality, i spent several hours a day just talking on them. i even ran my own for a few months with a friend, that's actually how i got my initial exposure to programming, and is what sent me onto my current career path!
it's really comforting that this place, the place helping me escape life for good, uses the same software that i used to escape temporarily from life when i was younger.
i'm so glad to have found this community.