but its so painful, the whole process i kept getting stuck in the rut of the note not having enough elements, of it never being enough, endless questions like should i record a sample of my voice? should i train a ai so they can still have conversations with me? would the positvies outweigh the negatives? would they even want to be reminded of it? if they do, is it because they feel like they should because thats what society instilled in them? would me providing more material put more fo apressure for them to read through all of it? retarded shit like that, i guess i accepted that because i wont be here to deal with the consequences i will settle for (in my mind) a near perfect and comprehensive note. to special parties telling them that i loved them and really trying tohammer in the fact that its not their fault and they couldnt have done anything better and that they were perfect and they gave me life meaning, a ride well ridden id say. i would pull out all stops to make sure that they dont beat themselves up with guilt over what they could of done. But i dont know, i dont that will happen its just some shit i heard jordan peterson say on youtube. but because im a dumb cis male i fallfor it.
id go over my favourite memories with each indiviual / group and what i wish i couldve done better and apolgize for anything i remeber doing that was kinda shitty and apologize for anything i dont remember. I guess i would try to clear up and doubts and insecurities they have towards me and themselves. i would tell my best friend to fufill his potential and that i would live through him and that jokingly i would haunt his ass if he doesnt, like a less cinematic of this scene from good will hunting (link below)
it would be nonserious and joking in manner, lighthearted, maybe too much to a point of contrivance. because thats how i always was and i dont want them to experience me like this, all serious and stuff. but i guess that was a character flaw that casued the event?
to be honest i will be writing letters for people that i blame irrationally or not. but i wouldnt say anything about it i will leave out the negative parts because that what i do. and maybe if i didnt i wouldnt find myself in this mess i dont know, every little thing and its accompanying butterfly effect. drives me nuts to think of the infiintie possibilities that all blindingly seem better.
As of now, it would be a google doc, with a general faq for everyone and indivivualised letters in each section. I guess i wouldnt mind the other recipients knowing about how i thought of everyone else. its entertaining to me and maybe it will be a start of a beautiful friendship. During my life, i took a weird satisfaction and happiness in trying to merge different friend groups together i thought it was heart-warming. so i guess it makes me happier.
i guess i wouldnt help myself in being negative when im writing the letters, i think i would be too weak a man to resist the unconcious slips. but obviously i would edit to make sure that any critcism is a shit sandwich, outshined by the mentioedn positive character qualities and above all constructive adn i would add a little note or remark about like at the time of writing these notes i had a couple of out-of-body expereinces from stress and sleep / undistinguished nightmares and dreams from reality and that you know im not thinking straight and i dont know you fully enough so take my word with a grain of salt espcially because i always put on the facade of steamrolling any deep emotional issues with a joking cheery disposition. so naturally that owuld prevent alot of deeptalks from ahppening save for a few close people.
i would include a folder with pictures and videos of my favourite memories and being the people pleasing pushover i am say that justbecause you didnt make as much appearances as the other people or no appearances at all its not because i dont value or remember you. "ah you know im not really mentally well enough or care enough to carefully compile shit, besides if your reading this im already dead cut me some slack lol!" something like that.
im too conflicted over how i should write the section to my parents, i cry like abitch too mcuh when i think about. i guess i would add a little secret easter egg about how i really feel and say some brutal truths. ill include the memo to my parents but im gonna lead the others on a easter egg hunt for it! like a really shitty version of cicada 3301!
i guess it would be "mortally" embarassing for me if they didnt even bother to try to crack the code of the secret note even if they know of its existence.
I guess i would include this account in the secret memo so they could see the ugly (?) process of it all
also i plan on livestreming or recording my death if you got any morbid requests send them in, auto-erotic asphyixation? trump costume? luigi mangione altar in the background? fake satanic risutalistic sacrfice? nothing is off limits! after all.... just nothing too expensive or hard to obtain i guess i got stuff to do lol. im gonna have to take alot of breaks when writing the section for my parents and family. Fuck i might have to translate it to mandarin too, fuck me.
i guess for the most part i wouldnt really edit the letters in the sense of not deleting any sentiments or ideas, only rewording and adding ideas. i think the spelling mistakes and weird flow represented how i jested in real life.
anyways tldr: im overthinking this and trying to reach perfection, in a fucing suicide letter. where was this attitude before the event happned lol? thats probably what my parents would say but i guess i jsut never showed people this side of me.
i hope you found this incoherent rambling entertaining at least. i hope it could give you ideas for your own note so you could be more content in your bus ride out this mortal realm. And i hope this ideas dont leave you down a obsessive path like me irght now.
Yes, I basically wrote it. Then my therapist said she can't see me anymore basically saying she can't help me. Yeah I knew that. That's why i don't like therapy.
lol so real, thats why i cant do the shrink thing. they probably wont understand their clients and in the event they do they cant express it because of "professionalism" atleast for me i need a real one to tell me whats up frankly and i hate the cliched sugar coating bullshit ideas present in therapy i guess (pickle rick sorta?)