I do consider them when I am weighing my options, but they don't hold much weight. I am completely different from any of them, and if we weren't blood and I met them on the street I wouldn't care if I never saw them again. I feel really bad for my parents because they do love me and are supportive but they do not understand who I am at all. Most of my extended family do not speak English (my only language), or speak very broken English, so conversing with them is impossible. I hate my race and how I look, so I hold a lot of resentment towards them for bringing me into this world with repulsive genetics. Every time I see them it reminds me why I hate myself and how lonely I am.
They are aware of my depression and suicidal thoughts, and while my dad does not understand depression, is still a prick, and has recently called me a disappointment, my mom, who has had depression and understands it, is trying to do everything in her power to help me get better. It just makes me hate myself even more because while not hostile, I am very cold and unloving to them and it is for reasons that are not their fault. I know my suicide will destroy them, but every single person's suffering, dreams, hopes, happiness, pretty much all their experiences and feelings are absolutely insignificant on the cosmic scale. I guess this sick and twisted rationalization allows me to be self centered and boils down my decision to one question: do I enjoy existing? If not, then there is no reason I should still be here.
I have thought about this for a long time, and I think the root cause of why I want to kill myself is a lack of familial belonging for as long as I can remember, as well as having no hope of ever finding love (and thus another family). Love, belonging, sex and affection are all considered physiological needs (necessary to survive) in Maslow's hierarchy. These are things I have gone without for my entire life, and for many years I tried improving myself to attract somebody so I could know what the human experience is actually supposed to feel like, but my efforts have been met with complete failure. I am very, very lonely.