They never manage to answer or respond to these questions. They either become defensive or prefer to ignore it altogether. Post like these just feel like they're meant to instill fear and uncertainty in others by arguing their case. I used to enjoy having these discussions on whether there's an afterlife, hell or heaven. But this willfully ignorant, dismissive and cultish approach by religious people, hell even spiritual people, is so common and off-putting that I'm convinced it's all just bs and not worth the time or effort anymore.
Believe what you want but don't act like you don't know what you're doing by having these kinds of discussions here.
This is so unfair and disingenuous, and with all due respect, rude and part of the reason I will CTB. Religion is
faith. You have faith in something. In the case of Christianity, it's Jesus Christ and God. In the case of Islam, it's God and Muhammad. Hindus have faith in the 3 G's and oneness with God. Faith isn't necessarily science, but science is definitely not faith. And if we're being honest, most Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. are not devout, and not really living by the commandments of their faiths.
I left my church decades ago because I try and be understanding of all people. But it's mostly liberals who want their cake and eat it too. LGBTQ+ is a faith by definition, and is the most powerful faith in the USA and Europe today. Men have penises and testicles. That is a 100,000+ year fact. But the LGBTQ faith says people with penises and testicles are women or can be women. They have faith in that premise. But if non-members of that faith point out the obvious, they are attacked like you're doing now.
LGBTQ is faith, and certainly not science. Christianity is not science either. I'm fine with that. And I think this is the most evil divide among humans. But when the same LGBTQ faith says these nasty things about Christians, Muslim, etc. faiths, I cannot and do not respect them either. There are other rude and hypocritical comments in this thread. But i just don't have the energy right now. My CTB cat is entertaining me with the ball on a rope thing I made today! :)