Am I really going to end my life because of a woman who left me and a childhood dream that just didn't work out?
It's likely. I'm tired. There's nothing dramatically wrong with my life —I have a good family, good friends, I'm a physically healthy person— but I've just made my mother cry because she asked what was wrong and I just exploded. I didn't say anything mean to her or anything, I just vented on how fucking exhausted I am with how life feels unfair. No matter how hard I try, no matter how good I am, the kind of love I want and need and deserve after years of bullying and just never comes. She represented a new hope, the chance of things becoming better during a moment in life I was doing my best to rebuild and push forwards: she left me for a fucking asshole MMA fighter and she's letting him change her beautiful personality.
Following my dreams of racing has been pointless, doing a master's in Germany was pointless. I have no reason to stay in my country, no reason to live elsewhere, I have no fucking goals or dreams or anything I want out of life anymore. I just want her to come back, please, God, you didn't see me on my knees for years and you finally did, and you have me wearing a medallion on my chest, please, please, bring my Michi back. I'll fix Violenta when she returns and I'll give it another shot, I promise, I promise I will do my best, but just give me something for FUCK'S SAKE JUST GIVE ME SOMETHING TO BELIEVE THAT ALL THIS BULLSHIT LIFE OF FALLING DOWN AND GETTING BACK UP MAKES ANY SORT OF FUCKING SENSE BECAUSE I'M LOSING IT AND I DON'T WANT MY MOTHER TO CRY OR TO KEEP TYPING HITTING MY KEYBOARD IN ANGER WHILE MY MOM IS IN ANOTHER ROOM CRYING BECAUSE I TOLD HER I WANT TO FUCKING END THIS BECAUSE LIFE JUST CAN'T FUCKING GIVE ME WHAT I DESERVE AND WANT LIKE I WAS SOME SORT OF UNLOVABLE PIECE OF SHIT DESPITE EVERYONE TELLING ME I'M GOOD AND FUCKING HELL I DIDN'T DESERVE THIS NATALIA PLEASE