I believe that there are good people, majority but they dont have the power to change things, not because i'm suicide and depressed all people are bad.
Faith in humanity for me, what I think it's really mess up is corruption, at least the country I live, it's everywhere, politicians can give and give obsene raise for themself, work 3 days per week, have all kind of assistance besides their salary, life "jacket assitance" can you believe? Private sectors are disgusting too, they have to "contribute" and even employers steal.
With all food available daily, people are starving in a lot of places in the world, some places just dont have enough jobs for everybody. Some people besides their economic situation still have kids, why do you put a life when you life in a slum and dont have even food for yourself! Heath post that are free here offer free preservatives but you can see slums, mothers with 5 to 10 kids. As long the "base" of pyramid of population is large, exploration of people will continue generation after generation.
Human being seens like a plague, we grown, grown, grown and destroy everything, or planet is a mess nowdays, this was supposed to be the heaven in physical form but we're transforming in a living hell.
Greed and Modern Slavery! That's the reality of world today, and if you look at history, that's what has always been too, all will continue till end of time.