Not sure what my stance on this is, I'm sure her mental health was assessed as part of the court proceedings, and they probably found nothing to cause concern, but then again, if you ran the same tests on me, all you'd probably find is my ASD, not my very real intention to end my own pathetic existence. You cannot possibly know what goes through someone's head, to her, it could have been like a heroin addict getting a fix, and people dying was her drug. Shocking situations cause our brains to release certain chemicals, which your body can actually become addicted to, in a similar way to gambling addiction. It is kinda like gambling, all the uncertainty, then the buzz at the desired results.
There is a big difference between actively encouraging someone to commit suicide, and being involved in a situation where someone is dying and not helping them for whatever reason though, in this situation all I could do is call an ambulance/emergency services, I am not trained in first aid, so my attempts to help could land up making the situation worse, for which I would probably be sued for afterwards.
I personally think it is wrong to go out of your way to encourage someone to commit suicide, it has to be a decision they come to themselves, and go through with themselves, it's a choice and a choice should never be influenced by external factors. Most of my 'choices' have not been free at all.
She was however by NO means fully to blame for the young man's death, he'd obviously made up his mind, it doesn't matter how cheerful or intelligent someone comes over, my guess is this had been on the cards for him for a while.
If anyone's really to blame, it's the system, the pathetic NHS services in this country. I don't know why Americans so envy our healthcare system, it's bargain bin at best. He was probably on some year long waiting list for 'therapy'. I was sent for 'therapy' once and all it consisted of was writing in this silly book.
Also were 'head meds' involved? Were either of them on psychiatric drugs? These poisons are proven to affect behavior, and can lead to all sorts of things from delusions and hallucinations right up to violent outbursts. Sleeping pills that effect GABA, Benzos and Z drugs, are also from the devil, and can lead to all sorts of unusual behavior.
We don't know the details here, the news only reports what it wants us to know.