What if it all really DOES just go black? You know, like one of those nights when you go to sleep and then when you wake up the next morning you don't even remember dreaming? You simply didn't exist for 8 hours. You fell asleep and it all went black....and that was that. I don't believe that. I believe all of my experiences with astral projection were sent to me as a gift...a message...my spirit guide was communicating with me in my times of distress to ease my fear of death and show me what was going to happen. But what if it really DOES just go black?? My mind is wandering. I guess it really doesn't matter either way.
My father is a nut. All these past years everything was all about taking care of his mother and his aunt. It all started right around the same time as all the transgender bullshit, and they moved in with us. You'd think he would have paid more attention to what was going on with his son. Instead, he never did. He pretended to listen to me when I talked to him all those years, and he never barely listened to a word. He had more important things to worry about.....his mother and his aunt. And all the while I was going through this identity crisis, and all the oppression and shit that I had to deal with at work....and I continually told him that I could not handle anything else....all he did was tell me how pathetic I was. He didn't give a shit. I'd put up with shit nonstop at work and then come home and sit in the car crying for an hour because I was afraid to go in the house. Then I'd finally go inside and have to stand at the microwave for an hour repeating myself over and over trying to explain to my 100 year old aunt with dementia how to use a microwave. Then cry in my room and be afraid to walk out again because it would be right back to the microwave or explaining over and over how to use the remote for the TV, or whatever else. I could not handle it. I was unable to take care of myself. But, no...I was pathetic. He didn't give a shit. It was all about his mother and his aunt. If I had been able to take care of myself and focus on myself then NONE OF THIS would have happened. But, no...I was pathetic.
It's been 7 years, and I'm STILL always afraid to leave my room. It's still all about his mother. It's all about my grandma. Right up to my death. At this point even the littlest things that normally wouldn't be a very big deal....they're a big deal. Like when I was on my way in here to type this, and she stopped me dead in my tracks to have me unmake the bed. And she still calls me Danielle, and then she's all like, "'Atta girl!!" It's constant little things. Any time she even speaks to me, asking the same thing over and over and over. Any time she opens her mouth, my mind is just like "WHAT THE FUCK!! GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" It's literally the e-x-a-c-t s-a-m-e d-a-y over and over and over again. Like, I'm going to be dead in 1-2 months. And I still can't even get peace in my own home. Seven whole years of this. No peace in my own home. I'm still just as afraid to walk out of my room as I was seven years ago. I can't even get peace in my room half the time because I can hear her around the house just going off. And she's manipulatively abusive. Nothing pleases her. Nothing is ever good enough. You can bend over backwards at her every request and she'll blow smoke up your ass with love and appreciation and then 60 minutes later she'll be on the phone with my aunt saying what a piece of shit me and my dad are because we don't do anything for her. She'll take any regular level headed person and turn them into a nervous wreck in less than two weeks. Between her and my aunt it's been seven fucking years. And it never even ended. It literally destroyed me. None of this would have happened, I would still have my normal body, everything would have been over long before it got really bad and past the point of no return. I will be doing this right up until the day that I die. It literally costed me my life. But at least I took care of my grandma and my aunt. Family values. It's an Italian thing. Still wasn't good enough though. Dad says "I didn't do shit." I'm sure he'll feel a whole lot differently about EVERYTHING once he finds me dead in my room.
That was long. Sorry. I needed to vent.
Edit: "Family values." You'd think that would include paying attention to what the fuck your bad ass tough guy son is thinking when he suddenly wakes up and starts running around thinking he's a broad. You'd think maybe you'd actually talk to him so you could understand what was going on in his head?? Maybe try to understand why he feels that way?? Maybe try and relate to your son a little bit?? Maybe then you'd realize how fucking confused he was?? Because guess what...….like father like son!!! He was a hippie at my age. His father busted his balls about looking and acting like a girl. It was the exact same thing. A generational curse. Except he had such an inferiority complex that he abandoned that whole part of his identity and went his whole life never even knowing who he truly was. And then projected it onto me, and I had such an inferiority complex that I became confused, felt trapped in the wrong body, and then finally had a sex change. And he didn't even bother to listen. And then after all is said and done, one day he says to me "hahaha, you know, when I was younger I used to joke around and say that I was half guy and half girl." WHAT THE FUCK?! AND YOU'RE JUST TELLING ME THIS NOW?!?! Yeah, well, now he denies ever saying it and acts like he doesn't know what I'm talking about because he feels guilty, so he gaslights me. He gaslights me a lot. Ain't that fucked up though? He's SO DEEPLY ASHAMED of who he is deep down, that he let his own son run out and have a sex change, because he was too ashamed to be open and relate to him. How pathetic is that???? Deep down, I think he was so ashamed that he thought HE was a girl....and so he thought his son was too. So rather than relate to how his son felt, he simply railroaded his son and then gave him the money to mutilate his body. Fucking sick twisted disturbing shit. I'm in the Twilight Zone. X Files shit, man. When I finally said I was a guy it was a huge prolonged argument for two weeks straight. He's even still tried telling me I'm not a man after the fact. He's so confused that he doesn't know the difference between a guy and a girl. He's so superficial and narrow-minded that he doesn't know there's more to a girl than long hair and make-up. "If you put on a pair of heels then you're a girl." He even said to me one time regarding the past, "You'd think you would have just cut your hair and went back to being my son." Fuck you, dad. I am your son, and this is who I am. Love and accept me or don't. I'm not your daughter. I'm your son. See...he was only able to accept me if he called me his daughter. This entire agenda is so sick and twisted beyond belief. It's psychological wa.
Thanks for sharing your story dani.
I enjoyed reading it.
I feel the same way @ the whole parents not relating to you before its too late shit.
I'm sorry you have to deal with your aunt and your grandmother in that way. Living with family is always so hard.
Its also nice to see a little insight on your situation.
I knew where you were in life but not how you got there.
You remind me of this video i saw on facebook about these kids that hadn't even entered puberty yet getting hormones prescribed to them so they could experience puberty as the opposite gender
My best friend in the world was FTM and they began to transition at 20 and has lived that way for 2 years now.
he's always felt like he was in the wrong body...
So at the time i saw that video i was like, oh fuck yeah i support this.
Its been a few months and now i think to myself...
Should we really be allowing fucking KIDS to transition and do something like that to their bodies?
Your body will change.
And you cannot undo it.
I dont know its just silly to me.
the way you talk about your grandmother (about her being someone you don't even wanna see or be around) is like how i feel about my stepdad. He's a 100% disabled veteran but he can still walk and plays drums in a metal band and there isn't anything drastically wrong with him. He's a little fat but like thats it
But he makes my mother do absolutely EVERYTHING for him. Cook, clean, put away dishes, bring him plates, put them away, take care of his dog, feed the dogs, do the laundry etc and etc
and he doesn't have a job, he gets disability but that's his income.
She works 40+ hours a week, granted from home, and then does all that shit for him. he's constantly sleeping and when he has band shows my mom loads all his equipment to and from the gig.
I get it dude, you're a veteran
but my mom and you are almost 50
when are you going to help her out? when she's so old she's fucking struggling to move?
it fucking makes me grit my teeth
everything about this guy makes me fucking mad.
His laugh his breathing his consistant farting.
I don't believe in murder but man if i did i would murder him.
But my mom would crumble.
Cuz she's so dependent on this fucker she can't fuction or have any self respect
(he left her once because she chose her kid over him and came back i'm assuming cuz the broad didn't want to baby him)
Anyway. I get the impression we both hate someone as much as that.
Everything he says is just fucking DUMB and its cuz of how he treats my mom.
I'm so sorry you gotta deal with all those people i can barely stand my stepdad.